0100 [00:46:28] "The Earth's climate is like a big engine for redistributing heat from the equator to the poles. And it does that by means of ocean currents and wind currents. " (Al Gore)
current: 流れequator: 赤道
ocean current: 海流
poles: 北極と南極
redistribute: 再配分する
0200 [00:46:37] "They tell us, the scientists do, that the Earth's climate is a nonlinear system. Just a fancy way they have of saying that the changes are not all just gradual. Some of them come suddenly, in big jumps." (Al Gore)
fancy: 洒落たgradual: 漸進的な、段階的な、徐々の
nonlinear: 非線形の
0300 [00:46:50] "On the worldwide basis, the annual average temperature is about 58 degrees Fahrenheit. If we have an increase of five degrees, which is on the low end of the projections, look at how that translates globally. That means an increase of only one degree at the equator, but more than 12 degrees at the pole. " (Al Gore)
58 degrees Fahrenheit: 約14.5℃annual: 年間の
five degrees: 華氏温度でです。摂氏だとおよそ2.8℃です
projection: 予測、見積もり
translate: 転換する
0400 [00:47:10] "And so all those wind and ocean current patterns that have formed since the last ice age and have been relatively stable, they are all up in the air and they change. " (Al Gore)
up in the air: はっきりしていない (安定していた気流、海流が変わってしまって今までとは全く変わってしまったことを表しています)be worried about: 〜が気になる
evaporate: 蒸発する
out of: 〜から
prevailing: 優勢な、支配的な、広まっている
the Gulf Stream: メキシコ湾流
conveyor: コンベヤー
opposite: 逆の
represent: 示す、表す
0700 [00:48:10] "Up in the North Atlantic, after that heat is pulled out, what's left behind is colder water and saltier water because salt don't go anywhere. And so that makes it denser and heavier. And so that cold, dense, heavy water sinks at the rate of 5 billion gallons per second. And then that pulls that current back south. " (Al Gore)
dense: 濃い、高密度のleave behind: 置き去りにする
pull out: 取り出す、引き抜く
salty: 塩分を含んだ
0800 [00:48:35] "At the end of the last ice age, as the last glacier was receding from North America, the ice melted and a giant pool of fresh water formed in North America and the Great Lakes are the remnants of that huge lake. An ice dam on the eastern border formed and one day it broke. And all that fresh water came rushing out, ripping open the St. Lawrence there, and it diluted the salty, dense, cold water, made it fresher and lighter, so it stopped sinking. And that pump shut off. And the heat transfer stopped. And Europe went back into an ice age for another 900 to 1,000 years. " (Al Gore)
dilute: 薄める、希釈するrecede: 退く、後退する
remnant: 名残、面影
rip: 引き裂く
rip open: 裂き開く
0900 [00:49:21] "And the change from conditions like we have here today to an ice age took place in perhaps as little as 10 years' time. So that's a sudden jump. Now, of course, that's not going to happen again because the glaciers of North America are not there, and is there any big chunk of ice anywhere near there? Oh, yeah. We'll come back to that one. " (Al Gore)