0100 [00:21:11] "Do you think that we are reaching that tipping point...to the point that it's not going to be any more denial?" (Vanessa Hauc)
denial: 否認、否定tipping point: 転換点
0200 [00:21:16] "We are at a turning point. And we can successfully reach an agreement in this big global negotiation in Paris at the end of November to have a real meaningful turn in the right direction." (Al Gore)
negotiation: 交渉、折衝0300 [00:21:33] "And what moment did you decide that you want to leave politics aside and actually move into...into this new career that you have?" (Vanessa Hauc)
0400 [00:21:42] "Well, to be honest, that decision was one made by the Supreme Court of the United States. I enjoyed politics, but this is a mission that I have dedicated myself to. And there is a hunger for information about what's happening, why it's happening and how we can fix it. " (Al Gore)
dedicate oneself to: 〜に打ち込むhunger: 渇望
the Supreme Court: 最高裁判所
to be honest: 正直に言うと、率直に言うと
0500 [00:22:19] "I usually start with a black screen, and trust me, after only two or three times through, you will associate your own way of telling each story with the picture, and it'll come so easily. The way the memory works...." (Al Gore)
through: 経験して0600 [00:22:39] "Ten years ago, I made the decision to launch a training program, so that anyone who wanted learn the skills to communicate to thousands of others could come and get trained. " (Al Gore)
launch: 始める0700 [00:22:56] "Because really all we are trying to do is get the first stage going, which is just waking people up." (woman 4)
0800 [00:23:03] "There were only 50 of them in the beginning. But I look back on that first training and...uh...it makes me smile because they were really pioneers in my way of thinking about it." (Al Gore)
pioneer: 草分け0900 [00:23:16] "This is the first picture that any of us ever saw of the Earth from space. It was taken on Christmas Eve on, 1968, during the Apollo 8 mission. And this was the first time that human beings left near-Earth orbit and went far enough into space to see the planet whole floating in the void. " (Al Gore)
orbit: 惑星の軌道void: 空間、空所
1000 [00:23:42] "And I've always started my slide shows with those pictures. When people can see the Earth from space, they naturally find it easier to feel a connection to our shared home." (Al Gore)
1100 [00:24:02] "And the last image from the Apollo program, the blue marble, the one picture of the entire Earth fully illuminated, completely changed the way people think about the planet. It energized the modern environmental movement. " (Al Gore)
energize: 活力を与えるilluminate: 明るくする、光を当てる
marble: 大理石、大理石模様、ビー玉
1200 [00:24:17] "I put that picture on my office wall in the West Wing of the White House and I looked at it every day. I called up NASA and said, "Hey, I've been looking at the same picture here and I'm just wondering if there is another one."" (Al Gore)
call up: 電話を掛けるthe West Wing: → Wikipedia
1300 [00:24:33] "I thought what if we could have images on a daily basis? Might that help to build the commitment people have for saving the climate balance?" (Al Gore)
1400 [00:24:41] "And that's when I learned there is really not another one. That's what led to the idea of the DSCOVR satellite. Not only for these pictures but because of the amazing scientific data gathering that you can do from that special point in space. " (Al Gore)
satellite: 衛星、人工衛星1500 [00:25:01] "There was opposition in the Congress. I was about to run for President and that may have had something to do with it. But once I finally got it approved, other instruments started being added to it. And one was the crucial early-warning device for solar storms that threaten electric utility grids and pipelines." (Al Gore)
be about to: まさに〜しようとしているinstrument: 機器、計器
opposition: 反対、対立
1600 [00:25:30] "And NASA built the satellite, gave it a launch date. And then after the Supreme Court decision and the inauguration of Bush and Cheney, they canceled the satellite launch. " (Al Gore)
inauguration: (合衆国大統領の) 就任launch: ロケットの打ち上げ
1700 [00:25:55] "The new administration, they didn't really realize they were also cancelling this solar-storm early-warning system. And the businesses that depend on it started making a lot of noise. " (Al Gore)
1800 [00:26:25] "And they proposed to resolve that quandary by taking all of the climate instruments and the camera off the satellite, replacing them with the equivalent of sandbags and only leaving the one instrument that these powerful industries wanted to be put into orbit. I thought, "Wow, that is extremism."" (Al Gore)
equivalent: 同等のextremism: 過激主義、過激思想
quandary: 困惑、苦境、板挟み
1900 [00:26:45] "By the end of it, this satellite was put in storage. We had a real opportunity to start building enough public support to really get on track to solving the climate crisis. But we lost that opportunity. And now, we cannot afford to lose it again. " (Al Gore)
afford to: 〜しても差し支えはないget on track to: 〜への軌道に乗る
opportunity: 好機、チャンス
2000 [00:27:28] "Okay, Bo. " (Al Gore)
2100 [00:27:42] "This house was my home when I was growing up as a boy. My mother and father built it. LBJ came to this farm. He fell out with my dad when my dad became one of the leading opponents of the Vietnam War, but they served in the Senate together a long time. " (Al Gore)
fall out with: 〜とけんかする、〜と不仲になるLBJ: Lyndon Baines Johnson
opponent: 反対者
2200 [00:28:02] "Here is a picture of my dad doing Meet the Press and then, many years later, me doing Meet the Press. And, then, many years later me doing Meet the Press." (Al Gore)
Meet the Press: → Wikipedia2300 [00:28:09] "Here is a, uh...handwritten note that my second-oldest daughter, Kristin, wrote back in 1987, when we had a family meeting to go over whether or not I should run for President. It's divided into good parts and bad parts. " (Al Gore)
go over: 〜を深く考える2400 [00:28:32] "Number 1, wants to do it. Number 2,has a good chance. Number 3, a lot of people who know the other candidates don't like them. He might get elected. It would be a good time to run things. He thinks he could solve problems. " (Al Gore)
2500 [00:28:51] "The bad points. Number 1, he would not be here a lot. Number 2, it would be hard to get more publicity than some of the others. Number 3, would not like to have Social Security around all the time. " (Al Gore)
get publicity: 世間に取り沙汰される、評判になるthe Social Security: 社会保障制度
2600 [00:28:09] "Meaning the secret service, of course. " (Al Gore)
2700 [00:29:20] "Just moments ago, I spoke with George W. Bush and congratulated him on becoming the 43rd President of the United States. Neither he nor I anticipated this long and difficult road. Let there be no doubt while I strongly disagree with the courts decision, I accept it. " (Al Gore)
2800 [00:29:38] "I accept the finality of this outcome, which will be ratified next Monday in the Electoral College. And tonight, for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession. " (Al Gore)
be: 譲歩、許容concession: (議論を終わらせるための) 譲歩、許容
Electoral College: 選挙人団
ratify: (条約・法案などを) 承認する、批准する
2900 [00:29:53] "I had a detailed plan for my life. But it turned out that life had a different plan for me." (Al Gore)