0100 [00:37:45] "My agenda is dominated right now by the preparations for the climate conference in Paris. The world has been preparing for it for a long time. " (Al Gore)
agenda: 課題、予定、スケジュールbe dominated by: 〜に偏っている、〜が多数を占める
preparation: 用意、準備
0200 [00:38:02] "And the main objective is to speed up the transition to renewable energy, so that the entire world can bring down the pollution levels while continuing to reduce poverty. But there is still a big divide between rich countries and poor countries. " (Al Gore)
divide: 分裂poverty: 貧困
0300 [00:38:23] "So, thank you for arranging this, and for the privilege of talking with you. As you know, I...I have this passion for solving the climate crisis that goes back 40 years. And because I have studied it so closely, I'm hoping that the United States and India will accelerate out transitions to renewable energy together. " (Al Gore)
0400 [00:38:51] "India has always looked at the United States as a valuable partner. But sadly, the Western world, the developed world, does not seem to be coming forth with significant amounts of support. And seems to be creating more impediments. All this talk about supporting climate change seems to be only talk and there is hardly any action on that. " (Piyush Goyual)
come forth: 現れるimpediment: 障害
0500 [00:39:15] "In the U.S.?" (Al Gore)
0600 [00:39:15] "Yeah, from the U.S." (Piyush Goyual)
0700 [00:39:16] "I don't think it's fair, with all due respect, if you may." (Al Gore)
with all due respect: 失礼ながら、はばかりながら0800 [00:39:19] "Sure, please." (Piyush Goyual)
0900 [00:39:20] "Well, in the U.S., in calendar year 2015, if you look at the investments in the U.S. in the building of new electric generating capacity, three-quarters is from solar and wind. " (Al Gore)
1000 [00:39:36] "May I respond to that?" (Piyush Goyual)
1100 [00:39:36] "Yes, please." (Al Gore)
1200 [00:39:39] "I'll do the same thing after 150 years. After I've used my coal. After I've got my people jobs. After I've created my infrastructure, highways and roads, when I have technology, when my people earn 50-70 thousand dollars per capita income, using low cost fossil fuel based energy. The way the United States did for 150 years." (Piyush Goyual)
per capita: 一人あたりの1300 [00:40:02] "It's very easy to say now that we are not using coal. What about in the past? So, I'm...I'm only asking for that carbon space which you utilize for 150 years. " (Piyush Goyual)
1400 [00:40:13] "My point is not to deny your right to make your own choices as to what kind of energy you want. Obviously you have that right. But what I am saying, when is the sun coming up today? I don't see it anymore. I don't see the blue sky. " (Al Gore)
1500 [00:40:44] "When any of us walk outside and look up at the sky, our natural impression is that the sky looks like it's a vast and limitless expanse. Goes on forever. Actually the atmosphere of the earth is a very thin shell surrounding the planet. And of course, right now, we are putting 110 million tons of heat-trapping global warming pollution into that space every single day. We are using this as an open sewer for all of the gaseous waste in our global civilization. " (Al Gore)
expanse: 広がり、拡大gaseous: 気体の
open sewer: 下水溝
sewer: 下水道
1600 [00:41:33] "Agriculture is a big cause of it. Burning of forest and burning of cropland. But still the main part of the problem is the emission of carbon dioxide from the burning of coal, oil and gas. And that builds up heat energy and raises temperatures. " (Al Gore)
cropland: 農耕地1700 [00:41:54] "India just set their all-time high temperature record in May, 123.8 degrees Fahrenheit. The streets are melting. We have built a civilization for conditions that we are now in the process of radically changing. " (Al Gore)
all-time: 史上最高の1800 [00:42:17] "All-time records has been broken this year in Thailand and Cambodia and Laos. In Pakistan, over 1,200 people died in the heat wave there. This year, they have dug anticipatory mass graves for the people they fear will die in this year's heat waves. " (Al Gore)
anticipatory: 先行の1900 [00:42:38] "And we are seeing that the higher temperatures are shifting the balance between microbes and human beings. The transportation revolution has a lot to do with this. Air travel. But the climate conditions have a big impact on that. Let's look at Zica." (Al Gore)
microbes: 微生物、細菌Zica: ジカ熱、ジカウィルス
2000 [00:42:58] "Here is the range of the one mosquito that they are most worried about. And warmer conditions increase that range considerably. But there here is the kicker on this. It's not just the mosquito, it's the virus.And the warmer temperatures speed up the incubation rate inside the mosquito. So we get an explosion in the number of cases." (Al Gore)
incubation: 抱卵、孵化kicker: 落とし穴、危険な状況、思わぬ展開
2100 [00:43:22] "And now it's spread to Miami, Florida. And for the first time in history, pregnant women have been advised not to go to part of United States of America. In many areas of Central America and South America, the doctors are delivering a message that I've never heard in my life. They are telling women, "Don't get pregnant for two years, while we try to get a handle on this."" (Al Gore)
get a handle on: 〜を把握する、〜を管理する2200 [00:43:47] "That's something new in the history of the human race. How long can we just sit back and say, "Oh, well, maybe some genius will think of some miracle"? " (Al Gore)
2300 [00:43:57] "I'm sorry, I'm getting all...fired up here." (Al Gore)
get fired up: 気合が入る、激怒する