absorb: 吸収する
bring up: (話題などを) 持ち出す、提起する
infrared: 赤外線
light wave: 光波
radiation: 放射、放熱
boundaries: 範囲
constant: 一定
relatively: 比較的
temperature: 温度
trap: 捕らまえる、捕捉する
pollution: 汚染、汚染物質、公害
thicken: 濃くする、密にする
explanation: 説明
traditional: 昔ながらの、伝統的な、慣習的な
0500 [00:10:00] "Global warming, or none like it hot." (man)
culprit: 犯罪者、罪人、問題の原因go away: 消える、無くなる
0700 [00:20:24] "Global whapper?" (Susie)
whapper: でかいもの0800 [00:10:26] "Y...yeah. " (man)
0900 [00:10:29] "Meet Mr. Sunbeam. He comes all the way from the Sun to visit Earth." (man)
1000 [00:10:35] " Hello, Earth. Just popping in to brighten your day. La-la-la-la-la-la-la. And now, I'll be on my way." (sunbeam)
I'll be on my way.: そろそろ出かける、おいとまする1100 [00:10:46] "Not so fast, Sunbeam. We are greenhouse gases. You ain't going nowhere." (greenhouse gases)
greenhouse gas: 温室効果ガス (二酸化炭素、フロン、メタン など)1200 [00:10:56] "Oh. Ah...Oh, God, it hurts." (Susie)
1300 [00:11:02] "Pretty soon, Earth is chock-full of sunbeams. Their rotting corpses heating our atmosphere. " (man)
chock-full: ぎっしり詰まった、たっぷり入ったcorpse: 死骸
rotting: 腐っている、朽ちかけた
1400 [00:11:11] "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. " (greenhouse gases)
1500 [00:11:13] "How do we get rid of the greenhouse grasses?" (man)
get rid or: 取り除く、駆除するgrass: 草 (How do we get rid of greenhouse grasses? は「どうしたら温室の草を引っこ抜けるの?」ですが、これ以上になにか含みがあるのかはわかりません。)
1600 [00:11:17] "Fortunately, our handsomest politicians came up with a cheap, last-minute way to combat global warming. Ever since 2063, we simply drop a giant ice cube into the ocean every now and then. " (man)
come up with: アイではを思いつく、考えつく、答えを見つけ出すevery now and then: 時々、時折
fortunately: 幸いにも
handsome: 気前のいい
last-minute: 土壇場の
1700 [00:11:32] "Just like Daddy puts in his drink every morning. And then he gets mad. " (Susie)
drink: ただの「飲み物」ではなくて、ここでは「酒」のことです1800 [00:11:38] "Of course, since the greenhouse gases are still building up, it take more and more ice each time. Thus, solving the problem once and for all." (man)
once and for all: 今回限りで、これっきり、決定的に1900 [00:11:49] "But...." (Susie)
2000 [00:11:49] "Once and for all." (man)