0100 [00:11:59] "This is, uh..the image that started me in my interest in this issue. And I saw it when I was a collage student because I had a professor named Roger Revelle who was the first person to propose measuring carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere. " (Al Gore)
carbon dioxide: 二酸化炭素 (日本語だと小学生でも知っているの英語だととて難しく感じる不思議な言葉です。)start 〜 in ...: 〜に...を始めさせる (that started me in my interest in this issue は「私にこの問題に対する興味を初めて持たせた」です。)
0200 [00:12:20] "He saw where the story was going after the first few chapters. After the first few years of data, he intuited what it meant for what was yet to come. " (Al Gore)
be yet to 〜: 「未だに〜していない」ですが、これから起きることですchapter: 章、一連の出来事
intuit: 直感する
0300 [00:12:39] "They designed the experiment in 1957. He hired Charles David Keeling who was very faithful and precise in making these measurement for decades. They started sending these weather balloons up every day. And they chose the middle of the Pacific because it was the area that was most remote. And he was a very hard-nosed scientist. He really emphasized the hard data. " (Al Gore)
decade: 10年間 (for decades は「何十年もの間」)design: 設計する、計画する
emphasize: 強調する
experiment: 科学的な実験
faithful: 忠実な
hard data: 確かな、信頼できるデータ
hard-nosed: 鼻っ柱の強い、押しの強い
hire: 雇う
precise: 正確な、精密な、几帳面な
remote: 人里離れた、辺鄙な
weather balloon : 気象観測用の気球
0400 [00:13:13] "It was a wonderful time for me because, like a lot of young people, I came into contact with intellectual ferment, ideas that I never considered in my wildest dreams before. He showed our class the results of his measurements after only a few years. It was startling to me. Now, he was startled and made it clear to our class what he felt the significance of it was. And I just soaked it up like a sponge. He drew the connections between the larger changes in our civilization and this pattern that was now visible in the atmosphere of the entire planet. And then he projected into the future where this was headed unless we made some adjustments. And it was just as clear as day. " (Al Gore)
adjustment: 調整、調節as clear as day: 一目瞭然である
civilization: 文明化
come in to contact with: 〜に出くわす、〜と触れ合う
consider: よく考える、考慮する
draw connections : 関連性をとらえる、見つける
ferment: 興奮、混乱
intellectual: 知性的な
significance: 重要性、意義、込められた意味
soak up: 吸い上げる
startling: 驚くべき、ギョッとさせる、衝撃的な
unless: もし〜でなければ
wildest dream: 途方もない夢、見果てぬ夢
develop: 発達する、発展する