equator: 赤道
landmass: 陸塊
0200 [00:14:48] "The vast majority of it is north of the equator, and the most of the vegetation is north of the equator. " (Al Gore)
majority: 大多数、過半数vast: 膨大な
vegetation: 植物、草木
breathe: 呼吸する、息をする
breathe in: 息を吸う
hemisphere: 半球
the Northern Hemisphere: 北半球
tilted: 傾いた
exhale: 吐き出す
respect: 尊敬する
leadoff: 一番目の、最初の
the Congress: 国会
witness: 証人、参考人
0800 [00:15:55] "But I kept having hearings. And in 1984, I went to the Senate and really dug deeply into this issue with science round tables and the like. I wrote a book about it, ran for President in 1988, partly to try to gain some visibility for that issue. " (Al Gore)
round table: 円卓会議、少人数の会議run for: 〜に立候補する
the President: アメリカ合衆国大統領
the Senate: 上院
visibility: 認知度、知名度
0900 [00:16:11] "And in 1992, went to the White House. We passed a version of a carbon tax and some other measures to try to address this. Went to Kyoto in 1997 to help get a treaty that's so controversial, in the US at least. " (Al Gore)
a version of: ある形のcontroversial: 物議を醸している
Kyoto: 京都 (地球温暖化防止京都会議のことです)
measure: 手段、方策
treaty: 条約議定書、盟約、合意、契約
1000 [00:16:25] "In 2000, my opponent pledged to regulate CO2 and then...th...th...that was not a pledge that was kept. " (Al Gore)
pledge: 誓う、宣誓するregulate: 規制する
1100 [00:16:34] "But the point of this is all this time, you can see what I have seen all these years. It just keeps going up. It is relentless. " (Al Gore)
relentless: 絶え間なく続く、執拗な、容赦ない