0100 [00:20:51] "So if you look at a thousand years' worth of temperature and compare it to a thousand years of CO2, you can see how closely they fit together. " (Al Gore)
worth: 〜の量0200 [00:21:03] "Now, a thousand years of CO2 in the mountain glacier, that's one thing. But in Antarctica, they can go back 650,000 years. This incidentally is the first time anybody outside of a small group of scientists has seen this image. " (Al Gore)
incidentally: 偶然に、たまたまmountain glacier: 山岳氷河
0300 [00:21:26] "This is the present day era. And that's the last ice age. Then it goes up. But we are going back in time now 650,000 years. That's the period of warming between the last two ice ages. That's the second and the third ice age back. Forth, fifth, sixth, and seventh ice age back. " (Al Gore)
era: 時代、年代it goes up: it はグラフ、気温が上がるです。
0400 [00:21:46] "Now an important point. In all of this time, 650,000 years, the CO2 level has never gone above 300 parts per million. " (Al Gore)
parts per million: ppm のことで、主に濃度を表すために用います。気体では体積比を使い、300ppm は大気が 100 万に対して CO2 が 300 の濃度です。0500 [00:22:02] "Now, as I said, they can also measure temperature. Here's what the temperature has been on our earth. " (Al Gore)
jump out at: 人の目に飛び込んでくる、人の目を引くkind of: ちょっと、多少 (断定を避けて表現を和らげたいときに kind of をよくはさみますが、意味は特にないといって差し支えありません)
0700 [00:22:28] "But they did, of course. And the...the relationship is actually very complicated. But there is one relationship that is far more powerful than all the others and it is this. Where there is more carbon dioxide, the temperature gets warmer because it traps more heat from the sun inside. " (Al Gore)
complicated: 複雑な、入り組んだ0800 [00:22:47] "In the parts of United States that contain the modern cities of Cleveland, Detroit, New York, in the northern tier, this is the difference between a nice day and having a mile of ice over your head. Keep that in mind when you look at this fact. " (Al Gore)
contain: 含むthe northern tier: アメリカ合衆国のうち、主にカナダと国境を接する北部地域の州を指します。(慣習的にアラスカ州は含めませんが、ニューイングランドの6州はカナダと国境を接していなくてもこれに含めます。)
tier: 層
0900 [00:23:09] "Carbon dioxide, having never gone above 300 parts per million, here is where CO2 is now. Way above where it's ever been as far back as this record will measure. " (Al Gore)
way: 遥かに、ずっと1000 [00:23:28] "Now, if you'll bear with me, I want to really emphasize this point. The crew here has tried to teach me how to use this contraption here. So, if I don't kill myself, I'll...." (Al Gore)
bear with: 人の話を黙って聞く、我慢して付き合うcontraption: 奇妙な機械仕掛け
1100 [00:23:49] "It's already right here. Look how far above the natural cycle this is and we've done that. But, ladies and gentlemen, in the next 50 years, really in less than 50 years, it's going to continue to go up. When some of these children who are here are my age, here is where it's going to be in less than 50 years. " (Al Gore)
controversy: 議論、論争in controversy: 論争中で、係争中で
allow: 許す、許可する
unethical: 非道徳的、非倫理的