0100 [00:25:28] "I had such faith in our democratic system, our self-government. I actually thought and believed that the story would be compelling enough to cause a real sea change in the way the Congress reacted to that issue. I thought they would be startled too. And they weren't." (Al Gore)
compelling: 説得力のあるdemocratic: 民主的な、民主主義の
faith: 信頼、信じること
sea change: (良い方への)大転換、著しい変化
self-government: 自治、自制
startled: びっくりとして、唖然として
such: とても、たいへんな、非常な
0200 [00:25:54] "The struggles, the victories that aren't really victories, the defeats that aren't really defeats. They can serve to magnify the significance of some trivial step forward, exaggerate the seeming importance of some massive setback. " (Al Gore)
magnify: 大げさに見せる、誇張するmassive: 巨大な、非常に重い
seeming: 見せかけの、上辺だけの
setback: 失敗
significance: 重大さ
trivial: ささいな、取るに足らない
0300 [00:26:19] "April 3rd, 1989. My son pulled loose from my hand and chased his friend across the street. He was six years old. The machine was breathing for him. We were possibly going to lose him. He finally took a breath. We stayed in the hospital for a month. It was almost as if you can look at that calendar and just go...whoosh. And everything just flew off. Seemed trivial, insignificant. He was so brave. He was such.... He was such a brave guy. " (Al Gore)
fly off: 飛び散る、離れていくinsignificant: 取るに足らない、ちっぽけな
loose from: 開放されて、解き放たれて
possibly: もしかすると、場合によっては
take a breath: 呼吸する
trivial: ささいな、取るに足らない、些末な
0400 [00:27:22] "Just turned my whole world upside down and then shook it until everything fell out. My way of being in the world. It just changed everything for me. How should I spend my time on this Earth? " (Al Gore)
fall out: 抜け落ちるshake: 振る、振動させる、揺する、動揺させる、うろたえさせる
turn 〜 upside down: 〜を逆さまにする
upside down: 逆さまに
0500 [00:27:43] "I really dug in, trying to learn about it much more deeply. I went to Antarctica. Went t to the South Pole, the North Pole, the Amazon. Went to places where scientists could help me understand parts of the issue that I didn't really understand in depth. The possibility of losing what was most precious to me." (Al Gore)
Antarctica: 南極大陸dig in: (仕事、勉強などに) 専念する、腰を据える
in depth: 心の底から、すっかり
grant: 与える、認める
take 〜 for granted: 〜を当たり前と考える、〜のありがたみを忘れる