0100 [00:50:11] "It's extremely frustrating to me to...to communicate over and over again, as clearly as I can. And we are still, by far, the worst contributor to the problem. " (Al Gore)
as clearly as one can: できるだけ明瞭にはっきりとby far: 遥かに
contributor: 貢献者
frustrating: じれったい、もどかしい
we: ここでは「アメリカ人」です
0200 [00:50:38] "I look around and look for really meaningful signs that we are about to really change. I don't see it right now. " (Al Gore)
0300 [00:50:54] "A number of very reputable scientists have said that one factor of air pollution is oxides of nitrogen from decaying vegetation. This is what causes the haze that gave the big Smokey Mountains their name." (Ronald Reagan)
a number of: たくさんのdecay: 腐敗する
haze: もや、かすみ
nitrogen: 窒素
oxide: 酸化物
reputable: 評判のいい、信頼できる、立派な
vegetation: 植物
0400 [00:51:08] "Thank you very much. Okay." (Al Gore)
0500 [00:51:10] "This guy is so far off in the environmental extreme. We'll be up to our neck in owls and out of work for every American. This guy is crazy. " (George H. Walker Bush)
extreme: 極端な、過激なowl: もったいぶった人
up to one's neck: どっぷりとつかって、はまり込んで、身動きが取れない、仕事を沢山か抱えて
0600 [00:51:22] "Even if humans were causing global warming, and...and we are not, this could be maybe the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people. We are dealing with something that's highly emotional...." (Sen. James Inhofe)
hoax: でっち上げ、作り話perpetrate: 犯す、実行する
0700 [00:51:37] "If an issue is not on the tips of their constituents' tongues, it's easy for them to ignore it." (Al Gore)
constituent: 有権者ignore: 無視する
on the tip of one's tongue: 口先まで出かかって
0800 [00:51:56] "To say, "Well, we'll deal with that tomorrow." " (Al Gore)