0100 [01:02:18] "1.3 billion people. An economy that's surging. More and more energy needs. Massive coal reserves. " (Al Gore)
reserve: 備蓄surge: 急上昇する
0200 [01:02:34] "The coal belt..." (Chinese scientist 1)
0300 [01:02:35] "Yes." (Al Gore)
0400 [01:02:36] "...in Northern China...uh...Inner Mongolia. Inner Mongolia..." (Chief Justice)
0500 [01:02:41] "Right. " (Al Gore)
0600 [01:02:41] "And then there is...uh...Shaanxi province. " (Chinese scientist 1)
Shaanxi province: 陝西省0700 [01:02:44] "Uh-huh. " (Al Gore)
0800 [01:02:45] "And also biggest coal mine." (Chinese scientist 1)
0900 [01:02:48] "Up here. " (Al Gore)
1000 [01:02:48] "Yeah." (Chinese scientist 1)
1100 [01:02:49] "Now, is that an open pit mine?" (Al Gore)
open pit: 露天掘りのpit: 穴
1200 [01:02:51] "Yes...." (Chinese scientist 2)
1300 [01:02:53] "Every time I've visited China, I've learned from their scientists. They are right on the cutting edge." (Al Gore)
cutting edge: 刃先、最先端on the cutting edge: 最先端にある
1400 [01:02:58] "Give me some sense of the numbers of new coal-fire generating plants. " (Al Gore)
generating plant: 発電所1500 [01:03:05] "Well, I have to say that the number is enormous because it's so profitable. " (Chinese scientist 2)
enormous: ものすごい、膨大なprofitable: もうかる、旨味のある
1600 [01:03:10] "This issue is really the same for China as it is for the U.S. We are both using old technologies that are dirty and polluting. " (Al Gore)
1700 [01:03:21] "..more flooding and more drought and stronger storms is going up. And global warming is implicated in the pattern. " (Al Gore)
drought: 干ばつflooding: 洪水
implicate: ほのめかす、暗示する
1800 [01:03:29] "And if you were to give some suggestions to everybody here about, like, what we can do for the situation now?" (Al Gore)
suggestion: 忠告、助言accurate: 正確な
fiction: 創作、架空、ウソ、でっち上げ
respond to: 〜に反応する、応答する
sound: 正当な、健全な
2000 [01:04:15] "We both have a hard time shaking loose the familiar patterns that we've relied upon in the past. We both face completely unacceptable consequences. " (Al Gore)
consequence: 結果rely on : 頼りにする、当てにする
shake loose: 振り払う
unacceptable: 容認できない、許容できない