0100 [01:04:36] "We are witnessing a collision between our civilization and the earth. And there are three factors that are causing this collision and the first one is population." (Al Gore)
civilization: 文明、(豊かで便利な) 現代生活collision: 衝突
population: 人口
witness: 目撃する、目の当たりにする
0200 [01:04:45] "When my generation, the baby boom generation, was born after World War II, the population had just crossed the two billion mark. Now, I'm in my 50s and it's already gone to almost six and a half billion. And if I reach the demographic expectation for the baby boomers, it'll go over nine billion. " (Al Gore)
demographic: 人口統計学のexpectation: 予想、見込み
reach: 達する、届く
0300 [01:05:07] "So if it takes 10,000 generations to reach two billion and then in one human lifetime, ours, it goes from two billion to nine billion, some profoundly different's going on right now." (Al Gore)
profoundly: 深く、大いに0400 [01:05:20] "We are putting more pressure on the Earth. Most of it's in the poor nations of the world. This puts pressure on food demand. It puts pressure on water demand. It puts pressure on vulnerable natural resources and this pressure is one of the reasons why we have seen all the devastation of the forest, not only tropical, but elsewhere." (Al Gore)
devastation: 破壊すること、荒廃させることresources: 資源
tropical: 熱帯
vulnerable: 脆弱な
0500 [01:05:41] "It is a political issue. This is the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. One set of policies here, another set of policies here. Much of it comes not only because of cutting , but...but also by burning. " (Al Gore)
policy: 政策political issue: 政治問題
0600 [01:05:58] "Almost 30% of all the CO2 that goes up each year into the atmosphere comes from forest burning. " (Al Gore)
0700 [01:06:04] "This is a time-lapse picture of the Earth at night over a six-month period showing the lights of the cities in white and the burning forests and brush fires in red. " (Al Gore)
brush fire: 山火事0800 [01:06:14] "The yellow areas are the gas flares, like these in Siberia. " (Al Gore)
flare: 炎gas flare: 原油を採掘するときに生じる天然ガスを焼却処分する際に発生する炎
Siberia: シベリア