0100 [01:13:41] "There are three misconceptions in particular that bedevil our thinking. First, isn't there a disagreement among scientists about whether the problem is real or not? Actually, not really. There was a massive study of every scientific article in a peer-reviewed journal written on global warming from last ten years. And the took a big sample of 10%, 928 articles. And you know the number of those that disagreed with the scientific consensus that we are causing global warming and that it's a serious problem. Out of 928, zero. " (Al Gore)
bedevil: とりつかせる、魅入らせるconsensus: 総意、ほぼ一致した意見
in particular: とりわけ
misconceptions: 誤解、思い違い
peer-reviewed journal: 論文審査のある専門誌
0200 [01:14:27] "The misconception that there's disagreement about the science has been deliberately created by a relatively small group of people. One of their internal memos leaked. And here's what it said according to the press. Their objective is to reposition global warming as theory rather than fact. This has happened before. After the Surgeon General's report." (Al Gore)
deliberately: わざと、故意に、意図的に0300 [01:14:54] "One of their memos leaked 40 years ago. Here's what they said. "Doubt is our product, since it is the best means of creating a controversy in the public's mind." But have they succeeded? " (Al Gore)
controversy: 論争doubt: 疑念
product: 産物
0400 [01:15:06] "You'll remember that there were 928 peer-reviewed articles. Zero percent disagreed with the consensus. There was another study of all the articles in the popular press. Over the last 14 years, they looked at a sample of 636, more than half of them said, "Well, we are not sure. It could be a problem, may not be a problem." So, no wonder people are confused. " (Al Gore)
confuse: 混乱させる、困惑させる