0100 [01:15:40] "Hey...Well, what did you find out?...Working for who?...Chief of Staff?...you know, I'm going to...that's the White House environment office. American Petroleum Institute, it's fair to say that's oil and, um...the oil and gas lobby...Is that fair?...Totally fair...Do a little bit more and see who his clients were. So he was defending the Exxon Valdez thing...Uh-huh...Yeah, very. Thank you." (Al Gore)
American Petroleum Institute: 米国石油協会Chief of Staff: 主席補佐官
Exxon Valdez: Exxon Valdez はエネルギー企業のエクソンモービルが所有していたタンカーで、1989年にアラスカで挫傷して大量の原油を流出させ、史上最大と言われる環境破壊事故と見做さされるようになりました。 ちなみにケビン・コスナーが主演したウォーターワールドでは悪役であるスモーカーズの拠点として登場します。
it's fair to say: 〜と言って差し支えない
lobby: 圧力団体 (個人や団体が何らかの要求を実現させるために議員や官僚に働きかける活動を lobbying (ロビー活動) といいます。もともとは愛煙家のグラント大統領がホテルのロビーで喫煙するところをねらって様々な人が陳情に行ったことが語源ですが、今やロビーに行くこととは全く関係はありません。とにかく自分に都合の良い要求を通すために政治家に働きかけることです。「陳情」というのもヘコヘコと頭を下げてお願いをしているばかりでなく、大人の世界ですから献金があったりとか圧力をかけたりとかいろいろとあるわけです、きっと。)
petroleum: 石油
0200 [01:16:24] "Scientists have an independent obligation to respect and present the truth as they see it. " (Al Gore)
independent: 独立した、他の支配を受けないobligation: 義務、責任
present: 示す
respect: 尊重する
0300 [01:16:35] "Why do you directly contradict yourself in the testimony you're giving about this scientific question?" (Al Gore)
contradict: 反論する、否定するtestimony: 証言、宣誓証言
0400 [01:16:47] "The last paragraph in that section was not a paragraph which I wrote. That was added to my testimony in the process...." (Dr. James Hansen)
paragraph: パラグラフ、段落0500 [01:16:54] "If they force you to change a scientific conclusion, it's a form of science fraud by them. You know, in the Soviet Union, ordering scientists to change their studies to conform with the ideology...." (Al Gore)
fraud: 詐欺、不正、ペテン0600 [01:17:15] "I've seen scientists who were persecuted, ridiculed, deprived of jobs, income, simply because the facts they discovered led them to an inconvenient truth that they insisted on telling. " (Al Gore)
deprive 〜 of …: …から〜を奪うfacts: /fælts/ と語尾に /kts/ の連続があり、/t/ が脱落して「フェァクス」のように発音しています
income: 収入
inconvenient: 不都合な
insist on: 〜を強く要求する
persecute: 迫害する
ridicule: 笑いものにする
telling: 話すこと
0700 [01:17:49] "He worked for the American Petroleum Institute. And in January 2001, he was put by the President in charge of environmental policy. He received a memo from the EPA that warned about global warming and he edited. He has no scientific training whatsoever, but he took it upon himself to overrule the scientist. " (Al Gore)
EPA: Environmental Protection Agency (環境保護庁: 自動車の排気ガスなどを規制しているのも EPA でアメリカの英語に接しているとよく出てきます。覚えておきましょう。)overrule: 発言を封じる
put in charge of: 〜を任せる、〜の責任者にする
take it himself upon to: 〜する役目を買って出る
take it upon oneself to: 〜する役割を買って出る
whatsoever: どんなものであれ
0800 [01:18:13] "I said, "I want to see what this guy's handwriting looks like." This is the memo from EPA. These are his actual pen strokes. He says, "No, you can't say this. This is just speculation."" (Al Gore)
handwriting: 筆跡pen stroke: 筆跡 (一筆の動き)
speculation: 推論、憶測
0900 [01:18:26] "This was embarrassing to the White House. So, this fellow resigned a few days later. And the day after he resigned, he went to work for Exxon Mobil. " (Al Gore)
embarrassing: 当惑させる、まごつかせるresign: 辞職する
1000 [01:18:37] "You know, more than 100 years ago, Upton Sinclair wrote this, that it's difficult to get a man to understand something if his salary depends his not understanding it. " (Al Gore)
depend on: 〜次第である、〜によって決まるsalary: 給料
Upton Sinclair: アメリカの小説家です