0100 [01:18:54] "The second misconception. Do we have to choose between the economy and the environment? This is a big one. Lot of people say we do. I was trying to convince the previous administration, the first Bush administration, to go to the Earth Summit. And they organized a big White House conference to say, "Oh, we are on top of this." " (Al Gore)
administration: 政権conference: 会議、協議会
convince: 説得する
economy: 経済
environment: 環境
misconception: 誤解、思い違い
on top of: 〜を管理して、掌握して、熟知して
organize: 組織する、構成する
previous: 前の、先の
0200 [01:19:13] "And one of these view graphs caught my attention. And I want to talk to you about it for a minute. Now here is the...the choice that we have to make according to this group. We have here a scales that balances two different things. On one side, we have gold bars. Umm, um, umm. Don't they look good? I'd just like to have some of those gold bars. Hmm, hmm." (Al Gore)
balance: 量る、計量するcatch one's attention: 〜の興味を引く
for a minute: 少しのあいだ
scale: はかり、天秤
view graph: スライド
0300 [01:19:44] "On the other side of the scales, the entire planet. Umm. Umm. Umm. " (Al Gore)
0400 [01:20:03] "I think this is a false choice for two reasons. Number one, if we don't have a planet... The other reason is that if we do the right thing, then we are going to create a lot of wealth and we are going to create a lot of jobs. Because doing the right things moves us forward. " (Al Gore)
choice: 選択false: 誤った、不誠実な
wealth: 富、財産