0100 [01:20:32] "I've probably given this slide show a thousand times. I would say at least a thousand times. Nashville to Knoxville to Aspen and Sundance, Los Angels and San Francisco. Portland, Minneapolis. Boston, New Haven, London, Brussels, Stockholm, Helsinki, Vienna, Munich, Italy and Spain and China, South Korea, Japan. " (Al Gore)
Brussels: ブリュッセルMunich: ミュンヘン
Vienna: ウィーン
0200 [01:21:12] "Thank you. " (Al Gore)
obstacle: 障害物serve: 〜の役目を果たす
0400 [01:21:35] "And whenever I feel like I've identified an obstacle, I tried to take it apart, roll it away. Move it. Demolish it, blow it up. " (Al Gore)
blow up: 粉々にするdemolish: 解体する、撤去する
roll away: 動かしてける
take apart: 分解する、分析する
0500 [01:21:54] "I set myself a goal. Communicate this real clearly. The only way I know to do it is city by city, person by person, family by family. " (Al Gore)
0600 [01:22:30] "Bye-bye. Thank you again. " (Al Gore)
0700 [01:22:30] "Bye. " (Al Gore)
0800 [01:22:32] "And I have faith that, pretty soon, enough minds are changed that we cross a threshold. " (Al Gore)
cross a threshold: 境界を超える、垣根を超えるfaith: 自信、信念
threshold: しきい、境界値
0900 [01:22:43] "Let me give you an example of the wrong way to balance the economy and the environment. One part of this issue involves automobiles. Japan has mileage standards up here. Europe plans to pass Japan. Our allies in Australia and Canada are leaving us behind. Here is where we are. " (Al Gore)
ally: 同盟国、同調者automobile: 自動車
involve: 含む、伴う
leave behind: 置き去りにする
automaker: 自動車メーカー
market: 市場、需要
mileage: マイル距離 (マイル単位で表した距離)、走行可能距離
mileage standard: 燃費基準
steal: 盗む、奪う
threaten: 脅かす、脅威を与える
comply with: 従う
initiative: 率先、主導権
onerous: 面倒な、厄介な
prevent 〜 from …ing: 〜が … しないようにする
provision: 規定、定め、条項
sue: 〜を相手に訴訟を起こす
take an initiative: 率先して行う
take effect: 発効する、効力を生じる
too 〜 to …: あまりに〜で…できない
1200 [00:00:00] "And is this helping our companies succeed? Well, actually, if you look at who's doing well in the world, it's the companies that are building more-efficient cars. And our companies are in deep trouble. " (Al Gore)