0100 [01:24:12] "Final misconception. If we accept that this problem is real, maybe it's just too big to do anything about. And, you know, there are a lot of people who go straight from denial to despair without pausing on the intermediate step of actually doing something about the problem." (Al Gore)
denial: 拒否、拒絶despair: 落胆、失望、絶望
intermediate: 中間の
pause on: 〜を思案する
0200 [01:24:32] "And that's what I'd like to finish with. The fact that we already know, everything we need to know to effectively address this problem. " (Al Gore)
address: 取り組むeffectively: 効果的に、有効に
0300 [01:24:41] "We've got to do a lot of things, not just one. If we use more efficient electricity appliances, we can save this much off of the global warming pollution that would otherwise be put into the atmosphere. If we use other end-use efficiency, this much. If we have higher mileage cars, this much. And all these begin to add up. Other transport efficiency, renewable technology, carbon capture and sequestration. A big solution that you are going to be hearing a lot more about." (Al Gore)
appliance: 電化製品can: (前の Chapter の can't と聴き比べましょう)
capture: 捕獲、捕虜にすること
carbon capture and sequestration: 炭素回収貯留
end-use efficiency: 最終用途効率 (利用者が直接消費するエネルギーの効率です。例えば電力は火力や水力や原子力などいろいろな方法で発電します。そのどれを選ぶべきかという難しいことは取っ払って、消費者のレベルでより効率の良い機器を使っていけばということでしょう。)
have got to: (= have to) しなければならない
sequestration: 押収、没収、隔離
transport: 輸送
0400 [01:25:12] "They all add up and pretty soon, we are below our 1970 emissions. We have everything we need, save perhaps political will. But you know what? In America, political will is a renewable resource. " (Al Gore)
emission: 排出、排気pretty: かなり、ずいぶん、非常に
pretty soon: 近い将来
renewable: 再生可能な
save: 〜を除いては、〜のほかは
you know what: あのね (何か言おうとするときに相手の注意をひくのによく使います。)
0500 [01:25:35] "We have the ability to do this. Each one of us is cause of global warming, but each of us can make choices to change that. With the things we buy, the electricity we use, the cars we drive. We can make choices to bring our individual carbon emissions to zero. The solutions are in our hands. We just have to have the determination to make them happen." (Al Gore)
0600 [01:26:02] "Are we going to be left behind as the rest of world moves forward? All of these nations have ratified Kyoto. There are only two advanced nations in the world that have not ratified Kyoto. And we are one of them. The other is Australia. " (Al Gore)
ratify: 条約などを承認する、批准する0700 [01:26:19] "Luckily, several states are taking the initiative. The nine north-eastern states have banded together on reducing CO2. California and Oregon are taking the initiative. Pennsylvania's exercising leadership on solar power and wind power. And US cities are stepping up to the plate. One after the other, we have seen all of these cities pledge to take on global warming. " (Al Gore)
band: 団結するpledge: 誓う、宣誓する
step up to the plate: マウンドに上がる、打席に立つ、物事に取り組む
take on: 〜と対決する、〜に挑戦する
0800 [01:26:50] "So, what about the rest of us?" (Al Gore)