0100 [01:28:45] "You remember that home movie of the Earth spinning the space? One of those spacecraft continuing on out into the universe, when it got four billion miles out in space, Carl Sagan said, "Let's take another picture of the Earth." You see that pale blue dot? That's us. " (Al Gore)
dot: 点pale: 淡い、ぼんやりとした
0200 [01:29:05] "Everything that has ever happened in all of human history has happened on that pixel. All the triumphs and all the tragedies. All the wars, all the famines. All the major advances. It's our only home. " (Al Gore)
famine: 飢饉pixel: ピクセル、画素
tragedy: 悲劇、惨劇
triumph: 勝利、偉業
0300 [01:29:22] "And that is what is at stake. Our ability to live on planet Earth, to have a future as a civilization. I believe this is a moral issue. It is your time to seize this issue. It is our time to rise again to secure our future. " (Al Gore)
at stake: 危険にさらされてrise: 立ち上がる
secure: 確保する
seize: 捕らまえる、理解する
0400 [01:29:57] "There is nothing that unusual about what I am doing with this. What is unusual is that I had the privilege to be shown it as a young man. " (Al Gore)
privilege: 特権、恩恵unusual: 独特な、他と異なる
0500 [01:30:10] "Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Al Gore. " (MC)
0600 [01:30:14] "It's almost as if a window was opened through which the future was very clearly visible. "See that?" he said, "See that? That's the future in which you are going to live your life."" (Al Gore)
0700 [01:30:53] "Future generations may well have occasion to ask themselves, "What were our parents thinking? Why didn't they wake up when they had a chance?" We have to hear that question from them, now. " (Al Gore)